I tried to query the webinar details for a past webinar with id 517912534, however the first GET request returns “Meeting 517912534 is not found or has expired” error, the other 2 GET requests are able to return the summary data(but insufficient).
- Get request: https://api.zoom.us/v2/webinars/517912534
returns “not found or expired error”:
I also tried another 2 GET requests, which can return the summary data:
- GET request: https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/517912534
“uuid”: “b4ytWjACR0mi8mpZevSw+g==”,
“id”: 517912534,
“host_id”: “rHWKKTVTRm-fMvOypeLR_Q”,
“type”: 9,
“topic”: “xxxxxx”,
“user_email”: “xxxxxx”,
“start_time”: “2018-06-07T18:20:49Z”,
“end_time”: “2018-06-07T18:28:40Z”,
“duration”: 8,
“total_minutes”: 13,
“participants_count”: 2
returns the following data:
“uuid”: “b4ytWjACR0mi8mpZevSw+g==”,
“id”: 517912534,
“topic”: “xxxxxx”,
“host”: “xxxx”,
“email”: “xxxxxx”,
“user_type”: “Pro|Webinar100”,
“start_time”: “2018-06-07T18:20:49Z”,
“end_time”: “2018-06-07T18:28:40Z”,
“duration”: “07:51”,
“participants”: 2,
“has_pstn”: false,
“has_voip”: true,
“has_3rd_party_audio”: false,
“has_video”: false,
“has_screen_share”: false,
“has_recording”: true,
“has_sip”: false
Why the first GET request return the meeting not found & expired error?