What is the correct API flow

Again I have a situation that I can not find an explanation for the problem.

In the panel I have a filter that shows me two meetings in which I had problems in my script and when consulting the API I also can also visualize them too:
GET / v2 / users / A1ItpXxoTuGoQJLQnWMJ1Q / recordings? From = 2019-02-19 & to = 2019-03-20 & trash = false

With the data I got the meeting ID and consulted the meeting in another way:
GET / v2 / meetings / 206172717

I was able to visualize also.
However, after executing the exclusion method:
DELETE / v2 / meetings / 206172717

If executed again:
GET / v2 / users / A1ItpXxoTuGoQJLQnWMJ1Q / recordings? From = 2019-02-19 & to = 2019-03-20 & trash = false

It returns the same old data, but if it is executed again:
GET / v2 / meetings / 206172717

I get the error:
“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting 206172717 was not found or timed out.”

What is the difference between the methods, why one returns me that there is data and another does not find information?

Thank you

Hi @Felipe_Vicente

I will be helping you troubleshoot this issue. Since we would need some confidential credentials from you, can you please file a ticket at developersupport@zoom.us , and send us some screenshots showing the issue? I will be following up on the ticket as I need more information.

Yes, I will send the email exemplifying the problem.
