When screen sharing, the sessionIdleTimeoutMins parameter of the join command is being ignored

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We have a user that wants to share their screen for hours at a time where the screen is displayed is not updated or changed while having discussions. They were running into the session ending after 40 minutes. We changed the sessionIdleTimeoutMins parameter of the VideoClient join method to 10 hours. The session is still timing out after 40 minutes.

Here is a code sample of how we call it:

private static readonly sessionIdleTimeoutMins = 600;

private async ensureClientAndSession(identity: string, activityId: string, role: SessionRole): Promise<void> {
    const token = await this.getScreenSharingToken(identity, activityId, role);
    this.client = ZoomVideo.createClient();
    return this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(async () => {
        await this.client.init('en-US', 'Global', { patchJsMedia: true, stayAwake: true });
        await this.client.join(activityId, token, identity, '', ZoomMediaSharingService.sessionIdleTimeoutMins);
        this.stream = this.client.getMediaStream();

We were wondering if we were calling it wrong or not understanding how it works properly. We know that there is a 40 minute timeout on free Zoom meetings but our developer account is a paid account.

Hey @christopher.bricker

Thanks for your feedback.

Were there any other users in this session besides this one?

Could you share the problematic Session ID with us for troubleshooting purposes?



Thanks for your update.

Yes, there is always at least one user in the session.

I don’t have a session ID I can offer.

I just ran another test with enhanced logging and both the host and the participant received a connection-change event after 40 minutes with a payload of state: Closed, reason: free meeting ended. It was my impression that there were not any free Video SDK accounts since a credit card (or corporate payment, which should be how our account is charged) is required.

Could it be that our account is configured incorrectly?


@christopher.bricker I’ll PM you for some details on your video SDK account