Why ZoomVideoSDKError ret = [[ZoomVideoSDK shareInstance] initialize:initParams]; takes about 30 seconds to finish?

When I testing in some of my Device, ZoomVideoSDKError ret = [[ZoomVideoSDK shareInstance] initialize:initParams]; takes about 30 seconds to finish and it blocks the UI thread. Why?

It is normal in IPAD-8,

It takes about 30 seconds in iPad Mini 5( iOS 14.4) iPhone XR (iOS 15.1)

If I put the initialize code in a thread, I can’t receive the callbacks in Delegate.

NSLog(@"[ZoomVideoSDK] initialize =====>1111");
ZoomVideoSDKError ret = [[ZoomVideoSDK shareInstance] initialize:context];
NSLog(@"[ZoomVideoSDK] initialize =====>%@", ret == Errors_Success ? @"Success" : @(ret));

2023-06-30 09:22:15.432719+0800 ZoomVideoSample[819:226926] [ZoomVideoSDK] initialize =====>1111

2023-06-30 09:22:41.390891+0800 ZoomVideoSample[819:226926] [ZoomVideoSDK] initialize =====>Success

2023-06-30 09:22:41.390959+0800 ZoomVideoSample[819:226926] [ZoomVideoSDK] Video SDK version: 1.8.2 (8888)

error was 0

2023-06-30 09:22:41.651569+0800 ZoomVideoSample[819:227303] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled

2023-06-30 09:22:41.654398+0800 ZoomVideoSample[819:227303] Metal API Validation Enabled

Error: Send error, 60 Operation timed out

Error: Send error, 60 Operation timed out

Error: Send error, 60 Operation timed out

09:22:15 started and 09:22:41 finished. It’s the sample project.

any help to this question?

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