You browser does not support audio/video

I have an issue integrating the SDK/Meeting into my Vue.js app. After conducting tests in the local environment and confirming that it worked and initiated the meeting successfully, and also ensuring that there was access to the camera and microphone, everything was fine up to that point. I used Docker to deploy both the Vue.js app and the API (server-to-server) on the server. It works well on the server, but when attempting to join the meeting from the Vue app, I encounter the following error:

jsonCopy code

{ “type”: “INVALID_OPERATION”, “reason”: “Your browser does not support audio/video, please switch to the latest browser (Chrome/Edge/Safari/Firefox) and retry.” }

I am using both the API and the frontend with the HTTP protocol. What could be causing this error? It was working perfectly in my local environment. Thank you.

@arkangel.contreras is there a possibility the browser is blocking camera and microphone access to the hosted site?