Zoom Android SDK is clearing WebView local storage across all origins

We are affected too.

Our company health application uses React Native for iOS / Android for our customers.

We had the version of Zoom SDK without any problems.

To be prepared to the new minimum version policy on November, we updated the Zoom SDK to v5.11.3.7251, and the issue started. Is replicable on v5.9.0.3588 version too, so it’s impossible to comply with the new policy without being affected.

For us, this issue is really CRITICAL, as it clear all session cookies, localStorage, Service Worker and IndexedDB data, making our application unusable.

This response from Zoom https://devforum.zoom.us/t/zoom-android-sdk-clears-local-storage-data/63004/4 is not correct, it’s not an Activity stack issue, this not happens on the version.

The problem it’s exactly the code writted by Nitin above, introduced on the new Zoom SDK version in the ZmSecurityUtils.

I don’t know what Zoom developers are thinking by introducing this way of “data erase” without taking into consideration the collateral effects, but I’m sure this will happen to more and more people as November approaches.

Please, fix it as assap, as we only have 2 months before November deadline and the integration requires time to test before going production. We cannot have patients losing videoconsultation.

Best regards,


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