Hi @tommy,
It actually looks like its coming back from the api? When I run only the response this is what I’m seeing
Below is a snippet of the code i’m using - please note that I have put in foreach statements to try and get rid of the blank responses from the api- I’ve put in a meeting id of 123456 for example purposes
$ListOfMeetingId = “1234567”
#foreach($meetinguuid in $ListOfMeetingId){
Write-Output "Meeting ID: " $ListOfMeetingId
$headers = New-ZoomHeaders -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret
[int]$requests = 0
$type = “live”
#$ConnectionType = @()
$meetingId = $ListOfMeetingId
$Request = [System.UriBuilder]“https://api.zoom.us/v2/metrics/meetings/$ListOfMeetingId/participants/qos”
$query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
$Request.Query = $query.ToString()
try {
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Headers $headers -Method GET
$nextPageToken = $response.next_page_token
$PageCount2 = $response.page_count
Write-Output “UserName:” $response.participants.user_name
Write-Output “NetworkType:” $response.participants.network_type
##Trigger if seeing SSL Proxy
foreach($audio in $response.participants.user_qos){
if($audio.audio_input -inotmatch “bitrate=;”){
Write-Output “Audio Input:” $audio.audio_input | Format-Table
if($audio.audio_output -inotmatch “bitrate=;”){
Write-Output “Audio Output:” $audio.audio_output | Format-Table
#Write-Output “Jitter Output:” $response.participants.user_qos.audio_input.jitter
#$UserJitterForMeeting += $response.participants.user_qos.audio_input.jitter
} catch {
Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.Code -Category InvalidOperation