Zoom API Rate Limits

Hey @myyogateacher,

Are you going over the 100 meetings a day limit?

“This API has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. Therefore, only 100 Create a Meeting API requests are permitted within a 24 hour window for a user.”


The error happens when creating the topic, so just one user, me.

Hey @davidkingham,

Is there any way the developers who made the plugin can reach out to us for assistance? Not much we will be able to debug without them.


Hi Tommy,
I’m the developer of the plugin, the code is open source, more details at https://meta.discourse.org/t/zoom-webinars-plugin/142711

The code is pretty straightforward, there are two calls, one after the other: first call requests the webinar (GET request to /webinars/WEBINAR_ID), second call request the host id details, (GET request to /users/HOST_ID).

For the record, I have not had any rate-limiting on my own account (separate account from David’s).

I am a software provider and have many clients who want to integrate with ZOOM. Does this mean for my ZOOM app I can only create 100 meetings / 24 hour period for all of my clients?

For example:

If I have 100 clients who want to create 50 meetings per day, in total I am creating 5000 meetings and I have gone over my limit?

OR, is each user requesting a meeting considered to be a separate user and has not gone over the 100 rate limit?

If the former is the case, how can providers adequately integrate with ZOOM? Am I following the wrong procedure for integration based on my use-case-scenario?

Since I am a provider, I spend money and time on potentially bringing ZOOM additional business at no additional cost to ZOOM, should that not be taken into account or is ZOOM only interested in direct B2C relationships?

Thanks for your time and patience.

Hi @bizstim.apps,

Would you be able to post this question as a new thread? We want to make sure existing threads are not ongoing after the original question has been answered with a solution.

We’ll monitor for your question and respond asap. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry @tommy can you please clarify again?

Is GET /v2/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants categorized as heavy but not resource-intensive? So under the new rate limit which hasn’t been gone into effect yet, the rate limit for this endpoint is “20 requests/second, 60,000 requests/day” for Education accounts? And what is the current rate limit for this endpoint for Education accounts?

Meanwhile, are there any updates on the effective date of the new rate limit?


Hello @bizstim.apps , can you post the link here if you have created a new thread for this question? I am interested in the answer but I didn’t manage to find your new thread.


I have not done so yet. I am almost certain that rate limits are applied to the user level since I am running a User Level App. I will test the rate limit soon as I test the endpoints and my software.

Since I run a SaaS, a user level account will allow me to handle requests to zoom for individual Zoom users. That’s why I stayed away from the Account Level App since that would make more sense for businesses who want to control their own Zoom account settings from their software.

I will come back and mention if I am incorrect after testing.

I see. Meanwhile I doubt if the rate limits are imposed per user, no matter if it is an account-level app or user-managed app. I think it is like, no matter how many users are there in an account, the rate limit will be counting the sum of calls by all users inside the account. I read that “Rate limits are applied at the account level. Rate limits will be shared by all apps created and installed on an account.” from both the original and the upcoming rate limit pages.

@michael_p.zoom am I correct?

Thanks for the info @penar.musaraj,

We are investigating the rate limit issues.


Hey @ubmwalic,


Current rate limits for education accounts: 1 request/second | 2000 max requests per day


No update yet. This announcement defines new rate limits to go in effect in the upcoming months. The exact date will be updated here closer to the release.


CC @bizstim.apps

As for rate limits, the rate limits are at the developers account level. So if the developer has published 2 apps, the 2 apps share the rate limits.


Thanks for the clarification!

1 Like

Happy to help! :slight_smile:


Hi @tommy – I’ve been running into this problem a lot while developing an integration today.

Essentially I send 4-5 concurrent requests, and then I get the 429 response. I am caching the 4-5 requests so I really only will ever send a blast of 4-5 every 60-120 seconds. Even though I am under my plan’s 10/r/s, the API is still returning 429. This has been really frustrating.

Is there any reason why the API might be blocking smaller rate limits right now?

Here’s a system log that tracks every request made to Zoom’s API. It clearly shows I am well within the bounds of the rate limit, yet still, it was triggered…

[2020-04-11 07:23:04] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:04] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:04] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:04] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 207---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:06] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:06] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:06] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:06] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 208---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:08] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:08] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:08] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:08] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 209---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:10] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:10] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:10] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:10] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 210---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:12] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:12] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:12] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:12] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 211---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:14] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:14] production.ERROR: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `POST https://api.zoom.us/v2//meetings/154095062/registrants` resulted in a `429 Too Many Requests` response:
{"code":429,"message":"You have reached the maximum per-second rate limit for this API. Try again later."}
[2020-04-11 07:23:14] production.ERROR: Http Error w Zoom API  
[2020-04-11 07:23:14] production.ERROR: Error: No URL or Zoom ID returned!  
[2020-04-11 07:23:14] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 212---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:16] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:16] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:16] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:16] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 213---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:18] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:19] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:19] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:19] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 214---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:21] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:21] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:21] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:21] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 215---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:23] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:23] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:23] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:23] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 216---  
[2020-04-11 07:23:25] production.INFO: request  
[2020-04-11 07:23:25] production.INFO: Saved ICS.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:25] production.INFO: Updated database.  
[2020-04-11 07:23:25] production.INFO: ---PROCESSED 217---

Hey @ankurk,

Are you on a free basic account? Free account rate limits are 1 request per second.


Hi Tommy, no, we are pro. All users of the app are fully licensed. I’d be happy to move this conversation to support; however, I haven’t gotten a reply there yet.

Anyone else experiencing similar weird API Rate Limit issues?

Hey @ankurk,

Which specific endpoints are you seeing the rate limit errors with? Also how many apps have you created on your account?

Rate limits are applied at the account level. Rate limits will be shared by all apps created and installed on an account.”


Hey Tommy, we’re not seeing the same errors any more.

We were getting 429’d on every endpoint. POST meeting registrants, GET meeting, GET users/me, etc. Nothing intensive.

Glad to know whatever was happening has subsided. We built in more robust logic to reprocess rate limited requests in the future.