Zoom API / Zoom Rooms API - missing functionality

On this page: Zoom Rooms API

You say:

The Zoom Room APIs on this page will also be deprecated on June 1, 2023. A new set of Zoom Room APIs, providing equivalent functionality, is available for Server-to-Server OAuth or OAuth app types. See Zoom Rooms and Use Zoom Room controls for details on how to these APIs.

It’s been recommended that I use method 13 from here: Zoom Meeting API

However, this does not mirror the functionality in the old, JWT API

This contains the following field

“callback_url”: “https:// api. test. zoom. us /callback?token=123”

This is the only way that we can get the meeting number, which we can then use to get the Join URL

URL, the Context-Type field would return the application/json value, and the payload response would contain the {"request_id";: 123, "meeting_number":"1234567890"} value.

Without this callback in the “new” API, how can we obtain the meeting number, in order to retrieve the Join URL?




This is getting really quite urgent now, can anyone help please?


Once we’ve added a meeting, how can we retrieve the meeting_id, so that we can get the Join URL?




Can you provide me with links to the documentation for creating a meeting against a ZOOM ROOM please? I can’t find it anywhere.

We’re attempting to use


with the method name


but we’re having some issues and I can’t find any documentation on it. The old documentation link no longer works: Zoom Meeting API

And, all Create meeting endpoints seem to be for a USER not a ROOM

Please can you help?

Hi @wrdev ,

So sorry your initial posts were missed!

Here’s links to all of the documentation: Zoom Rooms API

Although it appears the JWT API endpoints have been deprecated.

I can’t find https://zoom.us/v2/rooms/{RoomId}/events , but can you test if https://api.zoom.us/v2/rooms/{roomId}/meetings works please?

It is shared here and is said to be deprecated as of June 2023, but I want to see if this is a documentation error. I will bring up these discrepancies with our docs team.

Thanks - it turns out that https://zoom.us/v2/rooms/{RoomId}/event requests are getting “ACCEPTED”… but I will try api.zoom.us too.

It is shared here

That’s just a link to https://api.zoom.us/v2/rooms/{roomId}/meetings - do we have any documentation for this? Particularly looking to get the meeting join URL (or meeting ID) but can’t find any docs on configuring the callback

Also, this documentation doesn’t seem to have any reference to the “Make a booking against a room”

Can you please try and find the documentation for me? Thanks in advance!

@gianni.zoom Just to confirm, api.zoom.us is working too… so really I just need the documentation so that we can work out why some callbacks aren’t working as expected.

I’m finishing for the day now, but will check back tomorrow.

Thank you!

Whoops, it should’ve been this link: Zoom Rooms JWT API (which is also on the page from the other link I shared).

That is all the available documentation (between those two links) and the Zoom Rooms API endpoints

That is in the above link where you’ll see join, schedule etc.

Thanks @gianni.zoom

So, the links suggest using the OAuth apps (we’re connecting with OAuth to the above app) but I can’t see the complimentary functionality documentation in any of the related documentation

  • The Zoom Room APIs on this page will also be deprecated on June 1, 2023. A new set of Zoom Room APIs, providing equivalent functionality, is available for Server-to-Server OAuth or OAuth app types. See Zoom Rooms and Use Zoom Room controls for details on how to these APIs.

Can you check with the documentation team please?

Yes @wrdev this is why I said the following:

Let me know if that clarifies things :slight_smile:

@gianni.zoom Thanks. It clarifies that the docs are either wrong or missing. The API end point is working. So it would be good to see some up to date documentation. Have you head anything from “the docs team”?

We have 10 zoom rooms in 2 locations - 1 location works and adds the events to the linked Google Calendar, the other doesn’t (no events added to GCal). So we’re trying to work out where the discrepancy is. It’s quite hard when I can’t find the docs, as I’m sure you can appreciate.

Also, whilst I have you - could you tell me where I can configure the NotificationUrl for a Server-to-Server OAuth app? I can’t see any settings for that in App Marketplace or in Sign In | Zoom

Thanks for you help thus far.

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Yes, I’ve sent in a request for clarification (DEVELOPERS-4410). Awaiting updates.

Within the app, click “Feature” and “Add Event Subscription”. There you can add the events you want to subscribe to alone with the Notification Endpoint URL.

Hi @wrdev - I can share a few notes that may help clarify things.

This is an updated link to the Zoom Rooms “PATCH Use Zoom Room controls” API that provides functionality relatively equivalent to the deprecated JWT Zoom Rooms APIs: Zoom Rooms API

Please note that unlike the JWT Zoom Rooms APIs, the PATCH Use Zoom Room controls API will always respond with “202 Accepted” (I see you mentioned this, I repeat it merely for others that may find this forum post in the future).

Between the date the link was initially added to the JWT page and now, we had some reorganization of APIs, and I apologize for the fact that the re-org broke the link from the JWT page.

Here’s a table that compares the “JWT Zoom Rooms API” and the “PATCH Use Zoom Room Controls” API (the column for PATCH lists the method value to use in the request object):

Restart zoomroom.restart
List No equivalent function [1]
Leave zoomroom.meeting_leave
Join a meeting zoomroom.meeting_join
Invite zoomroom.meeting_invite
Schedule zoomroom.meeting_schedule [2]
Cancel zoomroom.meeting_cancel
End zoomroom.meeting_end

Note [1]: The “PATCH Use Zoom Room controls” API does not have a direct equivalent to “List.” But, instead, you can use the Zoom Meetings API “GET List meetings” and supply the Zoom Rooms ID as the userId to get the list: Zoom Meeting API

Note [2]: The “zoomroom.meeting_schedule” method does not provide the “callback_url” feature of the JWT Zoom Rooms API “Schedule.” Instead, you can use the Zoom Meetings API “GET List meetings” as mentioned in the previous note. When using the “GET List meetings” API you can set query-string parameters to reduce the results to a manageable set, then iterate over the returned results and match on the topic string and/or duration to find the desired meeting.


Thank for responding @nicholas.mueller .

@wrdev can you please confirm if this is resolved?

Thank you team. That looks like it will accomplish what we need, I appreciate you taking the time to explain it.


  • operation 13 to schedule a meeting


  • list meetings, with querystring, to find the relevant one, to get the join_url
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Awesome, glad this is resolved!