Zoom Deep-link is neither opening in browser nor in Zoom App

Dear Zoom Support Team,

I hope this request finds you well. I am writing to report an issue I encountered while attempting to open Zoom links.

Description of the Issue:

We have an Android App which fetches a zoom link from our backend and opens it. In the happy case, the link either opens first in the browser and then goes to the Android Zoom App or directly opens the Android Zoom App. However, for the last one week we have been facing an issue. The following is the step-wise description:

  1. User tries to open the Zoom App from our App by clicking on a button
  2. Link doesn’t open
  3. Our support team gets the generated user-specific zoom link (with query params) from the DB and send it to the user on WhatsApp chat
  4. User tries to open the link (deep link) from the WhatsApp chat but nothing happens on tapping the link
  5. Our support team then gets the generic link which works for all the users and sends it to the user on WhatsApp chat
  6. User tries to open the link from the WhatsApp chat and it successfully opens the Android Zoom App

Further findings:

  1. The same link with query params opens in the browser/Zoom App for another user
  2. We have also checked the possibility of any bug in our App but haven’t found any loophole there
  3. We provide the same feature i.e. to join Zoom, from our website. The same set of users are facing the same issue in the website too.

Zoom link with query params:

Zoom link without query params:

Android Zoom App Version:

We use Zoom’s services everyday. This issue is consistently occurring for certain users. These users have started facing this issue since last week. This behavior is leading to dropouts from our program which is highly worrying for us. Immediate help is greatly appreciated.

I kindly request your assistance in providing some help on this issue as soon as possible, as it is impacting the ability of our users to join important Zoom meetings and we are having to share the Zoom links manually which is deteriorating the user experience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact.

Best regards,