Zoom Login Authentication returning error 407

Please share more details regarding the error you are seeing. If you can share a screenshot or video reproducing the issue that will diagnose what may be happening.

Hi @donte.zoom ,

If we don’t want to make our app available publicly in Zoom marketplace because our application is only using zoom for conference call (value added service), is there any other way for me to get ZAK token for Non-license user? Currently I can get ZAK for licensed users only.

Thank you.


Can you share the result of your ZAK request or the behavior you are seeing for non-licensed users ?

Hi @donte.zoom ,

Here is a sample request.

Here is what shows.

Hi @donte.zoom ,

I would like to follow up on this. Thank you.

Hi @donte.zoom ,

We also have a new problem using URL scheme in iOS and shows that the redirect URI is invalid. It was working before using this URL scheme sfezoom://.

Here’s how we do it and the response.

Hi @donte.zoom ,

Following up with my inquiries.

Thank you!


Sorry for the delay! Are you still seeing the same behavior? Please confirm whether your redirect URL is listed in your marketplace app allow list.

Hi @donte.zoom ,

Custom scheme were already registered in allow list but still doesn’t work. We opt to do Universal Links for now.

If we don’t want our app to be publicly available in Zoom marketplace, is there any way to still get the authentication token from Zoom API?

Thank you.


I am also getting error while PKCE OAuth authentication, I am sharing the code snippet to create verifier and challenge. Please find the attachment

and also sharing code to call CodeChallenger class and starting new intent

> String verifier = CodeChallengeHelper.createCodeVerifier();
> String loginUrl = "https://zoom.us/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=https://ingroupsapp.com/success_page.html&code_challenge="+verifier+"&code_challenge_method=S256";

I am getting code in respose after authenticating but when I request access token it gives me error.

I am using https://zoom.us/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=pGGDSZA0FwPssxwk3GRQGen3Uq685yy_w&redirect_uri=https://ingroupsapp.com/success_page.html&code_verifier=s1EZ2b1gFWoItJdjLL_qRF3JrisrDa-OVpi8-mcqCPM= url to request for token, please find below attachment I am using to request access token

Please let me know what I am missing to complete the authentication.
Megha Gupta

Hi @donte.zoom ,

May we follow up on this.

Thank you.

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