Zoom Meeting SDK Recording Permission Working for Windows 11 but not Windows 10

Meeting SDK: Windows version:

My desktop application software joins Zoom meetings as a bot. When it does so it requests permission to record the audio in the Zoom call. On Windows 11 devices this works properly, the host is notified and can grant permission and the desktop application is able to work properly. When using a Windows 10 device, the host is never notified.

Windows 10 users of our software are unable to have permission granted to record as the host is never notified.

Troubleshooting and Reproducing The Error:
A small sample program that illustrates this issue can be provided upon request.

@benSTS I’ll try to reproduce this. Do you have a sample code on how you are calling invoking the record permission?

Hello Chun Siong,

Thank you so much for responding to my ticket.

What is the best method for sending you a sample code?

I have a sample code from my dev team. This code on Windows 11 will be able to join into a Zoom call and will request permission from the host to record. However, on Windows 10 it will join the Zoom call, but will never request permission.

Thank you again for looking into this, if there is anything I can assist with, please let me know.

Have a great day,

Hello @chunsiong.zoom

Thank you again for responding to my ticket, I apologize for not tagging you in my earlier reply.

What would be the best way to send you a sample code, I have a .zip folder from my development team that I would like to submit to you for review.

Thanks again and have a great day,

Hello @chunsiong.zoom I was wondering if you had the time to take another look at this.

My development team has provided me with a sample code, what is the best way to share that with you?

Thank you!

Hey @benSTS ,

We use Zoom’s SDK to power our own meeting bots and have definitely run into similar issues before. Different OS versions can be tricky!

A few clarifying questions for you:

  • When you say Windows 10 users are unable to have permission granted, do you know where this process is breaking down? Could you provide some more detail around this?
  • For example, are you making the permission request successfully, but the end user never sees the consent prompt?
  • Or, are possibly you receiving an error back when making this?
  • Is this happening across all Windows 10 devices, or is this happening for specific Windows 10 devices/client versions?

Another alternative is to use Recall.ai for your meeting bots instead. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hello @amanda-recallai

Thank you so much for reaching out.

The bot is able to join the Zoom call and be let into the meeting from the waiting room, however the host never receives the prompt to grant recording permissions.

This is happening on all of the Windows 10 devices we have tried in house as well as for Windows 10 devices used by our clients.

Let me know if you require any further clarifications or if you have an idea of what needs to be fixed. I believe at this time management is seeking to refrain from utilizing third party APIs but I will bring this to their attention.

Thanks again!

@benSTS I’ll reach out to you via PM