Zoom Phone API: It has not been enabled for this account

I have three phone licenses in my account and i have assigned three phone number to three different users in my zoom portal.
Now i want to show call logs in my software. For that i have integrated zoom phone apis. But it is showing me an error like “Zoom Phone has not been enabled for this acount”

I dont know what is going on here. Why it is so difficult to integrate apis even though i have 3-3 licenses. I think it is technical glitch on zoom end. Could you please check and fix it because i have already wasted so much time to find solution for this. But there is nothing to fix this.

Hi @ordersign
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
Sorry to hear that you are having issues using our Zoom Phone API
I will go ahead and send you a DM, please make sure to follow up there

What is the status of this issue. I am still facing the same error. WHAT IS WRONG THERE?

Hi @ordersign
I sent you a DM to follow up to confirm some details 2 days ago.
I am looking into this, but please understand that this Forum is a community-based forum and we try our best to support specific issues like the one you are facing

To update this thread, the issue was on the way the access token was being requested. When using Server to Server OAuth app, the grant type should always be account credentials, here is a helpful article for that:


Also, the developer was using an endpoint that has been deprecated and a wrong query param, so make sure to use the right endpoints with the right params :slight_smile:


I am having issues in fetching call recording in my dashboard even though I integrated the api still getting issues.


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