Zoom Phone WebSocket events format

Hi !

I subscribed for Zoom Phone events on top of WebSocket connection via a Server-to-Server OAuth app, however I don’t find the format description of the events to be received. Is this already supported ? Is it possible to receive real time events of a phone call on a WebSocket connection ?


Hi @ZPForum ,

What do you mean by this please? Are you saying you aren’t receiving any of the phone related WebSockets?

Yes, my question was basically where the format description can be found however I can receive the events on WebSocket connection.
Do you plan to add the description ?


Hi @ZPForum ,

Based on the docs, the WebSocket response payload should be the corresponding Webhook events. This is what I have seen with Meeting and Account events through a bit of testing, but will double check what the behavior is. Can you please provide screenshots and show us how to reproduce?

@ojus.zoom , can you please confirm if the WebSocket payloads for corresponding API Webhook events should be the same? Thanks :slight_smile:

This is the WebSocket message format of e.g. “callee_ended” event:
“module”: “message”,
“content”: {
“event”: “phone.callee_ended”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “Gzsh7rfYSyi433TvpEaNcw”,
“object”: {
“call_id”: “7258584963242796608”,
“caller”: {
“extension_type”: “user”,
“extension_number”: 847,
“phone_number”: “847”,
“device_type”: “Windows_Client(”,
“connection_type”: “voip”

However in the Webhook API description the example for the same event is:
“event”: “phone.callee_ended”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “TQTvjT52Tmi_wrhASNNOEw”,
“object”: {
“call_id”: “6998252113337041462”,
“channel_id”: “b21dee06-ddaa-4578-ab90-1dd6e50ea4ba”,
“caller”: {
“phone_number”: “+12092592844”,
“connection_type”: “voip”
So the events format are not the same.


Hi @ZPForum ,

Okay, I’m checking internally on this. Thanks for your patience here.

Hi @ZPForum ,

I confirmed that the payloads should be the same. There just may be a discrepancy in the documentation itself. Did you test this event for BOTH WebSocket and Webhook? If so, did they yield the same payload?

No, I don’t use Webhook. I use WebSocket connection for event handling, I get the Webhook event format from the API description.


Hi @ZPForum ,

Okay, well the response bodies should be the same, so I’ll make a request to the docs team to update (DEVELOPERS-4099). Thanks so much!