This endpoint has the restriction that “Password may only contain the following characters: [a-z A-Z 0-9 @ – _ *]. Max of 10 characters.”.
However, recent Zoom security changes have increased the security of auto-generated passwords so they include characters outside of this allowed set of characters (?, #, etc.).
This means we can’t use this API endpoint for many Zoom meetings.
On triggering the API with a password containing ‘invalid’ characters:
Thanks for looking in to this and updating the documentation so promptly.
However, this doesn’t seem to align with what we’re currently seeing:
Meetings that are created with ‘Free’ accounts do not have the option to set minimum password requirements
There are no minimum password requirements set on the account that owns the Zoom Rooms
Meetings that are generated using the ‘New Meeting’ button, or via the Slack integration get generated with passwords that aren’t compatible (e.g w46!(i{74n)
So in summary:
A user with a free account creates a meeting, a password like w46!(i{74n might be generated.
Attempting to make the room join the meeting using this password results in an error
There are no minimum password requirements set on either account
The account which ‘owns’ the Zoom Rooms is 442755. We created an unpublished app in the marketplace called ‘Zoom Room Joiner’ associated with this account, which is being used to join calls.
The host of a call can be any other Zoom account, we have tried with multiple.
The exact error is, when POSTing
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "join",
"params": {
"meeting_number": "{any given meeting number with spaces/dashes removed}",
"password": "{password containing invalid characters}",
"force_accept": false,
to{roomId}/meetings where roomId is the value of an ID returned from
We are still not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please try creating a meeting with the same password using the Create Meeting API or Zoom Web Portal. Let me know if you see the same error message.