Zoom RTMP Livestream Does Not Match Zoom Screen

Why can’t we see the features we’re using in our Zoom meeting, like double spotlight or the order in which we rearrange the participant videos, when we livestream via custom RTMP? What we get on livestream is not what we see in Zoom.

The order in which participant videos are seen in the livestream does not match the host view nor anyone’s view in the Zoom meeting. Where is it coming from? When we use spotlight on two participants, the livestream shows speaker view. So only one person is spotlit and it’s the person who’s talking. But again, this doesn’t match what’s on the host’s Zoom screen, where the double spotlight is working. Ditto when rearranging the participant videos to get a new order. We were very excited about these features but now feel like we can’t do what we need to do.

We’re using Zoom business account. We tried using both meetings and webinar but found no difference. We also tried the gallery view and hid non-speaking participants and were able to see two speakers on Zoom and on livestream - so we know it’s possible to feature two videos on the livestream screen at one time. But, we want to use the spotlight feature and the rearrange features for what we’re producing.

We connected with the support team for the livestream platform we’re using, Showtix4u. They said it’s not an issue on their end, that it has to do with the Zoom feed.

Is anyone else having this issue?

I don’t know what API etc means. I hope it’s okay to post this issue here. I’ve tried Zoom support and have gotten wrote responses not addressing the specific issues. Looking for developer assistance.


Hey @ashlandnewplays,

I have just replied to you via the email you sent to developersupport@zoom.us.

Can you please provide some screenshots of the issue so we have a better idea of what is going on?

Also, if you could share some info / documentation about Showtix4u we can look into this further.

In the meantime, here is some info about how Zoom Livestreaming works, as well as how to contact our technical support team:


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I’m having the issue right now: https://vimeo.com/event/305305.
It’s showing the video I’m providing to the Zoom Meeting (which is spotlight) but not the ASL interpreters (which are also spotlight). Even when I remove all the spotlights or only spotlight an ASL interpreter, it is only my video that gets live streamed.


Hi @iggy,

Thanks for sharing this—can you please submit a request to our Technical Support team here, with the details that Tommy outlined above? They’ll be best suited to assist you with this.


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