Zoom Sdk.onAuthorized is not called when I call authorize in the open app on Android

Zoom Apps Configuration
I am launching the application on Android, the zoom version of the application is 5.14.2 (13117).
Zoom Apps SDK version 0.16.7.

const capabilities: Apis[] = [
  // Capabilities zoomSdk

private static async configureZoomSdk() {
  return await zoomSdk.config({
    size: { width: 700, height: 360 },

We add listening via addEventListener to the onAuthorized event.
When we call authorize when opening an application on Windows, then onAuthorized is triggered and everything works. And when we open the application in Zoom on Android, then after calling authorize, we get the success status, but onAuthorized does not work.

There are no errors thrown.

After studying the code of your library, I came to the conclusion that you do not have a processing for addEventListener, in case browser.type === 'android'.

Are my guesses correct, if so, when will it be added?

The onAuthorized event should work on Android devices. Can you share the code that you are using to set up the event?

const capabilities: Apis[] = [
  // Capabilities zoomSdk

private static async configureZoomSdk() {
  return await zoomSdk.config({
    size: { width: 700, height: 360 },

public async initZoomSdk() {
  try {
    const zoom_sdk_init_data = await ZoomSdkService.configureZoomSdk();

    if (zoom_sdk_init_data) {
      this.logger.info('Success initialize zoomSdk');

    return zoom_sdk_init_data;
  } catch (error) {
    this.logger.error('Failed initialize zoomSdk -', error);
    return null;


constructor() {
  const onAuthorized = (ev) => {
    this.logger.info('ZoomSdk event listener: onAuthorized', ev, this.zoom_pkce);

    this.zoom_sdk_service.call('removeEventListener', 'onAuthorized', onAuthorized);
    // Our internal logic

  this.zoom_sdk_service.call('addEventListener', 'onAuthorized', onAuthorized);

public async zoomSdkAuthorize() {
  this.zoom_pkce = generatePKCEPair();

  const res = await this.zoom_sdk_service.call('authorize', { codeChallenge: this.zoom_pkce.code_challenge });
  this.logger.info('ZoomSdk: authorize', res);
  1. For the zoomSdk configuration, we use the initZoomSdk method, it outputs us Successfully initialize zoomSdk.
  2. We call the zoomSdkAuthorize method. It outputs us ZoomSdk: authorization { message: 'Success' }.
  3. At this moment, in the zoom desktop application, the event onAuthorized is triggered and outputs ZoomSdk event listener: onAuthorized, but not on Android.

P.s. zoom_sdk_service.call is just a wrapper method that calls zoomSdk methods and handles errors.

Is there any new information on my question?