Zoom teams chat app compose box customization in windows zoom client

We have created a “Teams Chat App” to send the chat messages to our users.
Below zoom APIs we are using to send messages to zoom bot.

We are also using the App Shortcut feature that allows the compose box shortcuts.
The issue we are facing is that the chat app message compose box is a simple plain textarea and can’t see the customization options and app shortcuts in the chat app compose box as mentioned in the App Shortcut documentation.

Screenshot of the Zoom chat app compose box [Window zoom client version - 5.14.2]

How can we get the app shortcuts in the chat app compose box?

Hi @Joyeconnect ,

In order to add the composebox shortcut to the zoom chat app,
1] Go to the feature section of your app, enable “App Shortcuts” option.
2] Click on “Add Shortcut”
3] Provide the “Action Name” and “Action Command ID”
4] Choose the “Action Type”

5] Click Save.

Once you reauthorize the app, you should be able to see the shortcut in your Zoom Client.

Let me know if this helps.

Hi @ojus.zoom

Thanks for your reponse.

We have followed the same steps and also reauthorized the app after changing the “App Shortcuts” configuration but facing the same problem.

Attached screenshot of the configuration for your reference: