Zoom Video SDK always runs in non-sab mode

We have taken the code from this sample: GitHub - zoom/videosdk-web-sample: Zoom Video SDK web sample and tried to implement it on our web app but it always loads non-sab version. When I run the sample code locally it runs the sab version. Not sure what are we missing and how does it distinguishes which version to run.

Which Web Video SDK version?

Video SDK Code Snippets

setIsSupportGalleryView(stream.isSupportMultipleVideos() && !isAndroidBrowser());
<ZoomMediaContext.Provider value={mediaContext}>
    {isSupportGalleryView ? <VideoContainer /> : <VideoContainerNonSab />}

The isSupportGalleryView shows as true but still <VideoContainerNonSab /> component gets loaded

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Windows
  • OS: 11
  • Browser: Chrome

Additional context
The sample code when run under similar conditions executes the sab version of the component.

Hey @Danish-Mentorange

Thanks for your feedback.

To enable SharedArrayBuffer on your site, you can refer to this guide. https://developers.zoom.us/docs/video-sdk/web/gallery-view/ .

Our sample app already has these configurations set by default, so when running the app on local env. it uses the SharedArrayBuffer version.


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