Zoom Video SDK integration call kit microphone issue

We are trying to migrate from TwilioVideoSDK to ZoomVideoSDK for an App. But after integrating Call kit, We notice that the function

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXSetMutedCallAction)

of CXProviderDelegate is being triggered too many times automatically when user joins a session. This function is supposed to be triggered only when we request CXSetMutedCallAction on CXCallController Or when user press mute/unmute button on call screen on lock screen while call is ongoing.

There has never been this issue on Twilio SDK. I wonder if ZoomVideoSDK is doing something with CallKit internally?

The logs i get from SDK in console are like this:
*** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1,100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x2142b, name = '.1065750695.rpc' See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
CreateAudioUnit use hardware aec = 1
[IOS].CreateAudioUnit g_audioUinits.count = 1
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit unmute output
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit can mute = 1
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit can mute = 1
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit unmute output

User connects to the session and again i see this logs
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit can mute = 1
AudioDeviceIOS::SetMuteOutputAudioUnit unmute output

and now the CXProviderDelegate function for CXSetMutedCallAction starts to trigger too many times automatically with action.isMuted value to be true and false randomly

We are using ZoomVideoSDK version v1.11.10

Our test device is iPhone 14 pro and iPhone 12

Additional context
Also we can’t seem to find the zoom log file on exported container of app. Is this only created if app crashes from inside ZoomVideoSDK?

our initialization steps looks like this:

let initParams = ZoomVideoSDKInitParams()
initParams.domain = “zoom.us
initParams.enableLog = true
initParams.logFilePrefix = “zoomLogFile”

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