Video sdk for web example not working

I am trying to run video SDK, specifically the purejs-demo. But I keep getting this error:

    "type": "JOIN_MEETING_FAILED",
    "reason": "This account does not exist or does not belong to you",
    "errorCode": 200

I believe I am using the Video SDK account. I got my SDK key from → Develop → Build video SDK and under SDK Credentials.

I use the following value for the config.js:

export default {
    sdkKey: '<my SDK key>'
    sdkSecret: '<my secret key>'
    topic: 'cool number',
    name: "user123",
    sessionKey: "session123",
    password: "abc12345",

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @joash.xu ,

Thanks for your question. Just for my clarification, you’re using the Video SDK key and secret, not the Video SDK API key and secret, correct?

Yes. I am using the Video SDK key and secret, and not the API key and secret.

HI @joash.xu ,

Thank you for your response. Continuing to troubleshoot, can you try setting up config.js with a different topic string and leaving ‘sessionKey’ blank. If this does not work, I’ll work with you to escalate the issue.


Hi @rehema.zoom.

I have tried your suggestion, but it still does not work.

I think there is a bug in the pureJS-demo. role needs to be integer 0 or 1 but in session-joiner.js, empty string is being passed in. The below diff fixed the “account does not exist” issue for me.

--- a/purejs-demo/src/js/meeting/session-joiner.js
+++ b/purejs-demo/src/js/meeting/session-joiner.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const joinSession = async (zmClient) => {
-    '',
+    1,

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Looks like it is passing in an empty string and trying to default to 1 in the actual method, which would never work. I will get this updated and pushed. Thanks!