Zoom web application using PHP ,html,Javascript

i would like to create an zoom application using PHP ,html,Javascript
is there any sample code already available? ( not node js)
thank you,

Hey @123deb321,

Please see the answer to your post here:

In the future please refrain from double posting. :slight_smile:


Hello, i have been keenly following this thread and any other related topic , however, i seem to be stuck still with my education website.
I need a tutor to schedule class time and invite students to join at a given time, for a real time class.
I have navigated through the documentation, including the Sample app on Github and somehow, iam still confused.
Please help me out on how I can get started. My application is developed using PHP, HTML, Javascript.


Hey @jotimes,

Have you tried the quick start guide?

Please help me understand what you are confused with / what issues you are running into.


Thanks @tommy for the response. Well, i followed that tutorial step by step but the result is an empty black screen if I launch.
here is my code:

<!-- import ZoomMtg -->
<script src="https://source.zoom.us/zoom-meeting-1.7.7.min.js"></script>

<!-- import local .js file -->
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<!-- added on import -->
<div id="zmmtg-root"></div>
<div id="aria-notify-area"></div>

<!-- added on meeting init -->
<div class="ReactModalPortal"></div>
<div class="ReactModalPortal"></div>
<div class="ReactModalPortal"></div>
<div class="ReactModalPortal"></div>
<div class="global-pop-up-box"></div>
<div class="sharer-controlbar-container sharer-controlbar-container--hidden"></div>


import { ZoomMtg } from ‘@zoomus/websdk’

getSignature(meetConfig) {
method: ‘POST’,
body: JSON.stringify({ meetingData: meetConfig })
.then(result => result.text())
.then(response => {
leaveUrl: meetConfig.leaveUrl,
isSupportAV: true,
success: function() {
signature: response,
apiKey: meetConfig.apiKey,
meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
userName: meetConfig.userName,
// Email required for Webinars
userEmail: meetConfig.userEmail,
// password optional; set by Host
password: meetConfig.passWord
error(res) {

Hey @jotimes,

Make sure to include the pre functions:


Gracias por todo. Sin embargo, para mí que no tengo ningún conocimiento, me resulta imposible.
Tengo una web que me hicieron. Ahora quiero meterle la posibilidad de que el visitante contacte conmigo a través de la aplicación zoom. No son salas de reuniones. Son videoconferencias de uno a uno. Lo único que en la pagina1 es una persona y la pagina2 es otra persona.
¿Cómo lo hago?
Tengo páginas index.php, pagina1.php, pagina2.php
¿Dónde y qué código pongo? ¿antes de qué y después de qué? ¿tengo que buscar el logo, o viene con el código? ¿puede ser flotante (como pasa con algunos de whatsapp) o tiene que estar fijo?
Como ven no tengo ni idea, y me gustaría poder hacerlo.

Thanks for everything. However, for me who have no knowledge, it is impossible.
I have a website that was made for me. Now I want to introduce the possibility of the visitor contacting me through the zoom application. They are not meeting rooms. They are one-to-one video conferences. The only thing on page1 is a person and page2 is another person.
How do i do it?
I have pages index.php, page1.php, page2.php
Where and what code do I put? Before what and after what? Do I have to look for the logo, or does it come with the code? Can it be floating (as it happens with some of WhatsApp) or does it have to be fixed?
As you can see I have no idea, and I wish I could.
Thank you

Hey @peqpantx,

Can you have a developer look into integrating it with the Web SDK?

¿Puede hacer que un desarrollador busque integrarlo con el SDK web?
