Zoom web client participant see a signin screen screen instead of name and password

Shortly after the Zoom web client is back online there is a problem noticed that the participant is unable to join the meeting from the web client they are shown a Zoom login window instead of name or password option to join the meeting

Instead of showing the name and password option to enter the meeting, the participant is shown the Zoom login screen.

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start a meeting and let the user join via the web client
  2. They see a sign-in screen instead of name and password screen

Screenshots (If applicable)

Sadly this was a change they made and even updated their documentation at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/214629443-Zoom-Web-Client without telling anyone:

The Zoom web client allows joining a Zoom meeting or webinar without downloading any plugins or software. However, the web client has limited features and functions best on Google Chrome. Participants joining through the web client will need to be signed in to a Zoom account.

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@stan_b Thankyou for the update. @tommy This will be so inconviene for the users as the majority of participants joining a meeting will not have a Zoom account. Is there a work around for this or there is no possibility for a participant to jon Zoom meetings from web without having a Zoom account from now on?

The web client does not seem to be functioning yet properly.

I have an iframe (below) and this is showing me the Zoom login screen (accessing from Chrome and logged into my Zoom account), Also if I login it takes over the whole screen taking them away from the site. The iframe code was working fine before it was taken offline on 3rd April - I have replaced the meeting ID and obviously the name and password replaced actual with {}.

iframe width=β€œ100%” height=β€œ600” src=β€œhttps://zoom.us/wc/{meetingID}/join?prefer=1&un={base64encoded name}=&pwd={base64encoded password}” allow=β€œmicrophone; camera; fullscreen;” frameborder=β€œ0” allowfullscreen=""

Hey @myles, @elearningevolve, @stan_b,

The Zoom Web Client now requires users to authenticate.


Hi Tommy

Sorry that is not the solution.

The problem is that I am already authenticated in another tab so why is the web client not recognising this (as it does if I open a new tab)?

Secondly if displaying in an iframe if you login it takes over the full window - it should reload in the iframe?



Hey @myles,

Please reach out to support.zoom.us for Zoom Web Client questions as it is not apart of the Zoom Developer Platform.
