Zoom Web SDK not working: invalid client_id when attempting to log in

When you try to log in to join a meeting using the WebSDK on the example app, it gives an ‘Invalid client_id’ error.

Invalid client_id: YjW1ox3SEmcjJSuwigCkQ (4,702)

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the example web app
  2. Input valid Client ID and Secret into index.js
  3. Enter valid meeting ID, password, name, and email into the form
  4. Click log in
  5. Get error

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Desktop
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Version: 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable)
  • Browser: Google Chrome

Hey @ZoomLinkManager,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I would first make sure that you are making the function call to ZoomMtg.join() as outlined here. Then, ensure that the signature you generate is correct and matches the documentation.

On that same note, where are you getting the client_id and how are you using it in your code? I would make sure that you are getting the SDK Key and Secret from the App Credentials tab of your SDK Credentials app.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.



I have no idea how the client_id is generated. I am using my JWT application credentials (my SDK and OAuth credentials give me an invalid parameter error) and when I search for that client_id (YjW1ox3SEmcjJSuwigCkQ) on google, I see that there is a webpage with that same error with the same client_id. That client_id is not my JWT API key, nor is it my OAuth API key, nor is it my SDK API key. The example web app (https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web) uses the built in ZoomMtg.generateSignature. The following is the login link that is generated: https://zoom.us/oauth/signin?_rnd=1607696742714&client_id=YjW1ox3SEmcjJSuwigCkQ&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapplications.zoom.us%2Finstallation%2Fsdkhelper&response_type=code&state=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJpbnRlcmdyYXRpb24iLCJzZGtVcmwiOiJhSFIwY0Rvdkx6RXlOeTR3TGpBdU1UbzVPVGs1TDIxbFpYUnBibWN1YUhSdGJBIiwiaXNzIjoid2ViIiwiZXhwIjoxNjA3NzAwMzM5LCJpYXQiOjE2MDc2OTY3Mzl9.W_xg5Shd8oxRpPh3WsVvuCIPb9JPXVnH2jeZe4HRjwc&_x_zm_rtaid=_9o49IyjReW_cwdl1itdBA.1607695660685.9498f83392423c1fa04a1d96085d4816&_x_zm_rhtaid=430

I hope this helps

EDIT: My public keys are as follows, if that helps:
JWT: KpTL6fmHSgquTazYhuTRew
OAuth development: YPTP2pnWQkqrAHIZXTUiw
OAuth production: _bJLWj75S7eM3wfGsI_kmQ
SDK: 8gYBgNEl8reiCDDIbzEN0imaMcMS8ydvTtbP

EDIT 2: Yes, the example app calls ZoomMtg.join. The only change I have made is added the API keys.

Hey @ZoomLinkManager,

Thank you for providing additional information. Would you be able to share a public Git repo that includes the index.js file that is having issues? It sounds like you should be using the SDK key when joining the meeting but I want to confirm this so I can provide a more specific solution.


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