Zoom Web SDK V3.1.6- MediaCapturePermission (when there is no host)

Zoom Meeting SDK for Web V3.1.6

I am invoking the “mediaCapturePermission” function within the Zoom Web SDK to request recording permission from the host. Although this function operates seamlessly when there is a host available in the meeting. However, in scenarios where no host is present, invoking this function results in an exception: “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘caps’)”.

So, my question is how am I suppose to handle this flow where I know the host is not going to join but I still need record that meeting using my bot.

How do we suppose to handle this in our flow. Your answer is crucial for us. Thanks is advance!

@chunsiong.zoom @amanda-recallai for visibility

In this case, you do not record.
As long as the host does not provide permission, the rule of thumb is not to record

Hey @shiva.goodmeetings,

As Chun Siong mentioned, if the host isn’t in the call, this method of achieving permissions isn’t viable since you can’t prompt the host for recording permissions.

If your use case commonly involves a host not being present during the meeting, however, the workaround here is to use OAuth to get local recording permissions. Here’s some Zoom documentation that explains how this works: Use raw data | Meeting SDK | Windows

Another alternative is to use Recall.ai for your meeting bots instead. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots. We also have a Zoom OAuth integration that makes it simple to grant bot recording permissions through the flow mentioned above.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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