Zoom webhooks severely delayed for user-managed oauth app

Hey @tommy

The delays seem to have been reduced significantly, which is good news. Perhaps returning the 200 responses helped.

However, still having issues for various users not having their webhooks fired at all. Did you find an issue with the userID from that other post? => https://devforum.zoom.us/t/not-receiving-webhooks/9918/24

Under the Feature tab, I toggled Event Subscriptions to off. FYI I lost the webhooks I had written, but re-wrote them in. After toggling this off then back on, the webhooks are still working for this userID, for example, 8QbbEetXQM2je32sBGkkOA but not this one, PrNIb-ZMS7mz4hV9MFxN5A.

Do I need to resubmit another update request or is it something else?


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