Zoom Workplace logo in Meeting SDK

Following the Zoom Workplace release a “Zoom Workplace” header will be added to Meeting SDK by default in version 3.7.0. Developers will have the option to opt out via the init function, however, disabling the Zoom Workplace header may not be available in the future.

   disableZoomLogo: true

For a custom experience build with the Video SDK.

Please post below if you have any questions.

How to remove the “Zoom Workplace” header when using Windows SDK?


I’d like to leave some feedback on this.

  1. “Zoom Workplace” doesn’t really make sense, as a logo, in our app which embeds the Zoom Meeting SDK for Web in an educational instruction setting. To most of the students attending, calling their meeting a “Workplace” in the header bar would be very out of place.

  2. Your release notes say 3.7.0 was released on May 9th, which… I think it fairly obviously wasn’t.