ZoomMtg.init: The account don't enable API

oh ok tommy thank you

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:



I have same issue. I’m using JWT and SDK account type

  1. /**/localJsonpCallback({status: false, errorCode: 200, errorMessage: “The account don’t enable API.”, result: null});

  2. status: false

  3. errorCode: 200

  4. errorMessage: “The account don’t enable API.”

  5. result: null

I created JWT and SDK account type app in my account. I’m using the example provided on github (https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-web) and trying to connect to a meeting. But showing same error . how can i solve it ?

Using this sample app V1 api is forming. i don’t know that is a problem or not

Hey @manishkumarmm93, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

This error means you do not have a pro account. You need to have at least a pro account to use the Web SDK.


@tommy Thanks for your replay .
I’m now using basic account . but, currently i can join the meeting. ok thanks

I have one more queries . how can i start/host meeting ? I’m using JWT account type.

Hey @manishkumarmm93,

Just change the role to 1.
