Hi @will.zoom
Thank you and sorry for late reply,
I’ve got one more related question - is it possible to dial the Zoom Rooms instance by sip/h323 without having it’s PM started first?
I’ve tried connecting to it’s PMI by SIP/H323 and it seems like the devices are connected to the meeting but that does not make the Zoom Rooms itself to join the meeting - is it something that should be done manually or is it possible to automatically join the Zoom Rooms to it’s Personal Meeting when anyone else has joined there?
Good question—I don’t believe it’s possible to automatically join the Zoom Rooms to a Personal Meeting, based on when someone joins. I believe the Meeting must be started first.
Thanks for the reply!
Ok, so then I’ve got the upcoming question - is there a way to get the ZR PMI’s status without actually starting the PMI? I thought that checkin would provide some info but it’s done for different purposes.
Or the only way to see if there’s anyone else in the “waiting room” is to start the meeting and check the status afterwards?
At this time, I don’t believe that our ZR CLI will provide a PMI’s status in the way that you have described. I do believe you will need to start the meeting in order to view/confirm this information.
Got one more question, guess it still falls under the topic:
Is it true that it’s not possible to Invite one zoom meeting into another zoom meeting using it’s SIP address? I’ve tried that with 2 Zoom Rooms instances and it didn’t work (I assume I need to use “dial join” command instead), so I just wanted to ask if this may depend on the accounts set up, or something that is not possible at this moment.
I believe you will need to use the dial join command—I don’t believe it’s possible to invite one zoom meeting into another zoom meeting using it’s SIP address.