最新版 5.15.0 (8805) -mobileRTCMeetingService *ms =nil

When using the latest version 5.15.0 (8805) of MobileRTC for meeting functionality, I encountered an issue. After initializing the SDK, I received the log “MobileRTC initialize======>success” and also succeeded in obtaining the MobileRTCAuthService. However, when I tried to obtain the MobileRTCMeetingService using the code “MobileRTCMeetingService *ms”, the “ms” variable always resulted in being nil.

I made sure that MobileRTC initialization showed “MobileRTC initialize======>success,” and after confirming that the MobileRTCAuthService was obtained successfully with “MobileRTCAuthService *authService = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getAuthService]; authService == success,” I proceeded to call “MobileRTCMeetingService” to obtain the meeting service. However, despite the successful authentication and initialization, “MobileRTCMeetingService *ms” always resulted in a nil value

[SDKInitPresenter SDKInit:self.navigationController];
// MobileRTC Authorize
self.authPresenter = [[SDKAuthPresenter alloc] init];
self.authPresenter.jwtToken = signature;
[self.authPresenter SDKAuth:signature];//

    MobileRTCMeetingService *ms = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService];
    if (ms)
       NSLog(@"MobileRTCMeetingService  success")
        NSLog(@"MobileRTCMeetingService  ----nil")

我在使用最新版 5.15.0 (8805) 的MobileRTC进行会议功能的时候,通过以下代码。获得MobileRTC initialize======>success的打印,也获取 MobileRTCAuthService 成功。然后在进行MobileRTCMeetingService *ms的时候 ms总是为nil
我确定MobileRTC initialize======>success 和MobileRTCAuthService *authService = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getAuthService]; authService == success之后,才调用的MobileRTCMeetingService

Please upgrade your SDK version to 5.15.2, it should resolve your issue

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