About OAuth application updates

We have published an OAuth application in Zoom marketplace.

The application is configured to receive Webhook notification. When we published the application, the application uses Verification Token for the verification.

Then, we found the following article which says we must update the application to use Secret Token before October 2023.

We are going to make required change to the application according to the article and request update of the application.

We have gotten concerns while investigating the possible impact to our customers from the following article:

We have 3 questions:


The article says, ‘When your app passes the review, we post it to the Marketplace, and replace the previous app with the updated app’.

Can we specify when the application will be replaced after the application passes the review?


The article says, ‘The app users can continue to use the existing app without reauthorization but they won’t have access to the new features’.

This time the only change we are going to make is to configure Secret Token. We think that with this change, when the customers join to a meeting, the notification request header will have required information for the new verification method.

Will the existing users need to reauthorize the application with this change?

(Until the user reauthorize the application, the notification will be made in old style and after the old-style notification is abolished, they won’t receive notification anymore? )


The article says, ‘For existing users, after the Zoom Marketplace team approves updates to your app, Zoom sends an email notification prompting them to reauthorize the app to access the updated features’.

If the answer to the Q2 is ‘the existing users will not need to reauthorize’, will the email for reauthorizing prompt be send to the users or not?

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Hello @okuzono, thank you for reaching out.

Can we specify when the application will be replaced after the application passes the review?

Your app will immediately be updated after passing the review process. Specifying a different release time is not possible.

Will the existing users need to reauthorize the application with this change?

All users will need to reauthorize the app to access new features, including the updated webhook notifications. Once the Webhook Verification Token is sunset in October, this feature will become unavailable for users on the old version of your app.

If the answer to the Q2 is ‘the existing users will not need to reauthorize’, will the email for reauthorizing prompt be send to the users or not?

Users are not forced to reauthorize. Once the app update is published, all of your current subscribers will receive a notification email with the option to reauthorize the app.

Hope this helps

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