Update process for published app with new oauth scope request

Hi, I have a published app in the marketplace and want to submit for an update which will require supplemental oauth scopes (recordings:write and dashboard:read). I read the upgrade guide https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/publishing/app-submission/upgrading but it’s a little light on details.

I’d like to understand the behavior of the app’s dev and production credentials during the re-approval process. I’m guessing that the production credentials will continue to request the old OAuth scopes until the app is approved. Is there anyway to validate the new version of the app with new scopes on our production system prior to approval? This would be desirable as our original signoff was done against our production systems.


Hey @Nigel_Ellis,

When updating a published app, the change/s will take affect on the development environment of the app, and once it is published, then the change/s will take affect on the production environment.


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