Adding Meeting Registrant problem via REST API

Hello guys, i’m using REST API to create Recurring Meetings with and without fixed time. I need to only allow joining users with a certain Email and disable the Join directly fom the Meeting ID(join link). I’m not sure if this is the right way but i read about MEETING REGISTRANTS and i tried to add a registrant via API but i’m getting this error:

Client error: POST [{meeting\_id}/registrants]({meeting_id}/registrants`) resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:
{“code”:200,“message”:“Only available for Paid user: {id of admin user registered on my zoom account}”}

I have a Basic Plan (Free) account with a 60 days trial developer period and i saw this on one of the documentation pages:

Registration For Meetings


  • Host user type must be Pro
  • The meeting you are enabling registration for cannot use your PMI

Does this mean that I can’t do it because i don’t have a Pro plan or is there another reason?

Thanks in advance!

@Albania, this feature is only available for paid account. So please upgrade your account.