Alternative Hosts + Meeting Registration = Headache

API Endpoint

Create a meeting for with approval_type: 0 and alternative_hosts: ''. User1 will be able to join using the start_url, but User2 and all other users need to join using the join_url. As long as User2 is already logged in to the Zoom website, that’s fine.

As the meeting was created with the API, it’s likely that User2 is not logged in to the Zoom website. Thus, User2 will be asked to register for the meeting. When they provide the same email address as the alternative_host field, they receive an error message “Host can not register”.


  1. Zoom documents a URL parameter for the join URLs that sends a user through the Zoom login process. (This is my preference)
  2. Zoom updates the error message to instruct the user to log in so they can join the meeting. (Please do this no matter what)
  3. Zoom creates an API for getting meeting join URLs that works for both registered users and host / alternative hosts. (This would allow me to workaround the issue, but it wouldn’t be efficient)
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