API Integration for WordPress Plugins (eRoom)

I had used my own credentials at the time but we’re now preparing for handoff so we need to integrate the client’s credentials instead.

We have found that the app creation process on your end is different now and that apps require approval. Your approval process asks for architectural diagrams and many more questions, but eRoom is a 3rd party WordPress plugin. All we want is to connect to the Zoom API through it like before.

I don’t know if the app will be approved, so how can we accomplish this? @chunsiong.zoom

@remy if you are using server to server oauth app, you can access the REST API. But this is provided that each customers will create their own Server to Server Oauth App, and add the client ID and client Secret into the plugin.

If you are using regular OAuth App, then publishing is mandatory.

@chunsiong.zoom okay but given that we’re using the eRoom Wordpress plugin(See the documentation here where eRoom requires Server-to-Server OAuth and Meeting SDK APIs to connect with Zoom and use its functionalities](How to Obtain APIs | eRoom Plugin)) to facilitate zoom meetings in browser, we still require the app to be published?

It’s not like we created a whole custom app for having zoom meetings in the browser, we’re using an existing plugin that provides that for us. It just requires Client keys, secret keys, etc. from setting up a Server to Server Oauth App and Meeting SDK App.

I’m curious because the questions involved in the publishing asked for architecture diagrams, and a bunch of other stuff that we have no hand in because we’re just using a 3rd party WordPress plugin to provide the in-browser meetings, not designing an entire custom app. It just so happens that the WordPress plugin requires credentials from a Meeting SDK app and isn’t even meant for the Marketplace.

I’m hoping any perceived lack of detail in our app submission doesn’t affect our ability to publish it in this case because we’re dangerously close to handover date and we thought simply switching over the new credentials would be as straightforward as it was when we set up the first credentials a month or two ago.


You can still create server to server oauth app.

For Meeting SDK, you can create a General App with Meeting SDK turned on in the embed menu. You can choose not to publish your app, but your meeting joins will be restricted to only internal users.


Is there a way that we can expedite the review/approval process? Our client really needs this out by the 1st August, we can’t afford to wait 48 more hours and possibly still get rejected. This is extremely inconvenient.