API Registration Data vs. Zoom Platform Registration Report

I’m providing screenshots of the issues we are experiencing with Zoom’s API data and what’s being reported in the Registration report via Zoom’s platform. Can someone share with me why the API will report a different number of registrants (this is a meeting series) than what’s in the registration report via the Zoom platform?

Hi @crowleyb
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
Have you looked into our Get meeting participant reports endpoint:


Please make sure to pass the meeting uuid if you are working with a recurring meeting so you can get the information from each instance

Hope this helps,

Good morning. I have not considered using the report. I’ve been using (https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/pastMeetingParticipants) for past meeting participants. What is the difference between this one and what you provided? In addition, my primary issue is the difference in the registration numbers from the platform vs. the totals from the API. Can you explain why this difference occurs and if there is a preferred approach to get accurate registration data?

Hi @crowleyb
The main difference between the endpoint you are using and the report endpoint is the information you get with one or the other.

For the Get meeting past meeting participant endpoint you will get something like this:

"next_page_token": "Tva2CuIdTgsv8wAnhyAdU3m06Y2HuLQtlh3",
"page_count": 1,
"page_size": 30,
"total_records": 1,
"participants": [
"id": "30R7kT7bTIKSNUFEuH_Qlg",
"name": "Jill Chill",
"user_email": "jchill@example.com"

With the Get meeting participant reports you get more information for each participant object:

"next_page_token": "Tva2CuIdTgsv8wAnhyAdU3m06Y2HuLQtlh3",
"page_count": 1,
"page_size": 30,
"total_records": 1,
"participants": [
"customer_key": "349589LkJyeW",
"duration": 259,
"failover": false,
"id": "30R7kT7bTIKSNUFEuH_Qlg",
"join_time": "2022-03-23T06:58:09Z",
"leave_time": "2022-03-23T07:02:28Z",
"name": "example",
"registrant_id": "example",
"user_email": "jchill@example.com",
"user_id": "27423744",
"status": "in_meeting",
"bo_mtg_id": "27423744"

Regarding your question, when you refer to the difference in the registration numbers from the platform vs the totals from the API, do you mean the total_records you are getting in your response body when calling the Get Past Meeting Participants endpoint?

Thanks. No the numbers are totally different. Here’s an example:
Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 2.12.24 PM

Hi Elisa. Any thoughts on my last post?

HI @crowleyb
Sorry for the late reply, I am looking into this right now.
I will update you shortly.

Great. Thank you very much!

Hi @crowleyb

I tried to replicate this issue on my end and I was not able to get the same results. When I get the meeting registrants via API, its always the same number of records than when generating a report via the Webportal.

Have you tried calling the Get meeting registrant endpoint with the meeting UUID?
You can get past meeting instances of a meeting with this endpoint:

OK. That’s odd. We pass UUIDs to the APIs when processing. Thanks for your assistance.

Thanks for the explanation!

Please let me know if passing the meeting UUID helps @crowleyb