API to create instant video call

I try to use metting API to make instant video call with a contact, the same way it’s possible to do so with Outlook, but I can’t :

I want the contact to receive a notification on his Zoom client (running on his computer) and not an email.

Thanks for your help

To make an instant video call with a contact using the Zoom Meeting API, you can use the /users/{userId}/meetings endpoint to create a new meeting and then send the meeting link to the contact via the desired communication channel (such as email or chat).

Here is an example request to create a new instant meeting for a specific user:

bashCopy code

POST https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/{userId}/meetings

  "type": 1,
  "start_time": "2022-03-22T14:30:00Z",
  "duration": 30,
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "settings": {
    "join_before_host": true,
    "audio": "voip",
    "auto_recording": "none"

In the response to this request, you will receive a join_url property that contains the URL for the meeting. You can send this URL to the contact via the desired communication channel (such as email or chat) so they can join the meeting.

Please note that in order for the contact to receive a notification on their Zoom client, they must have the Zoom client installed and be signed in to their Zoom account on their computer. They will also need to click on the meeting link to join the meeting through the Zoom client.

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To Integrate any IOS Or Android Video Conferencing API, you must check for the availability of the following said components,

Step 1: Credential To Video Call SDK Account
To use the SDK and its related services that need to be integrated into your existing apps, you must have credentials. Thus, it’s better to have a check on credentials.

Step 2: Server Application
Since it runs at your application server, it utilizes the third-party account credentials to give access to the video services.

Step 3: Client Application
The client application can be executed over the mobile as well as on a web app. Moreover, it uses third-party SDKs to publish, capture, subscribe and execute the real time communication data.

Furthermore, Let’s have a look at the steps needed to implement video call integration in android or web application,

Step 4: Create A Room
First, the server Application informs the video call SDK to create a meeting room.

Once done, before creating a new room the SDK validates the provided data credentials.

This is followed by the video SDK responding with the Room SID that can be used later with API requests.

Step 5: The Client Gets Access To The Tokens
To get into the meeting room, it is necessary for the clients to obtain access tokens. This is so as it ensures that the client application has control of who is the authorized participant to join the video meeting room.

The First client requests an access token from the application server by making use of HTTP requests from the client app.
The application server utilizes the video SDK account credentials to produce a secure access token. This in turn gets the client with an access token.
Well, the web video conferencing integration process further takes on certain challenges. Let’s have a brief understanding about that in the next section.

Rachel Gomez