App Crash happens

Hi Carson,
Thanks for the reply. I have fixed this console waring issue importing the AVKit framework in my XCode.

Now, I am facing one serious crash issue in my AppDelegate class while set the domain auth. I have checked the zoom forum. If anyone already had this issue. I got this link iOS device auth crash on v4.3.1.47201.0322. I am also getting the same issue and same place. Here is the screen shot of crash

. This crash happens not all the time. If I run the app more than 5 times then it will happen. Crash happened simulator, iPhone, iPad devices. But most cases I got this crash in simulator and few time got this crash in devices. All the devices IOS 12 supported. I am using zoom version is MobileRTC Version: Optional(“4.3.47201.0322”)

I have already shared my system configurations. what can I do now ? (NOTE: I have already set the delegate to nil). Please check this as soon as possible. We have app launch date is this month end. So I need to fix this before that. Hope you understand.