Assign ZRA License fails with successful response

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Update user settings

Get user settings

I am attempting to update the feature for a user to assign the ZRA (Zoom Revenue Accelerator license). While I recieve a successful status code response of 204, the feature remains “false” and the license is not assigned to the user. This is true both of the feature “zoom_revenue_accelerator” and the deprecated feature “zoom_iq_for_sales”. This same endpoint is successfully able to set the “zoom_phone” feature to either true or false to add/remove a Zoom Phone license, which makes me think this may be a bug or issue with documentation.

The full error message or issue you are running into, where applicable.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Using PATCH /user/{userId}/settings, provide the following JSON body:
    "feature": {
        "zoom_revenue_accelerator": true
  1. Observe the successful status code 204 is returned
  2. Use the GET /users/{userId}/settings endpoint for the same user and observe that the feature zoom_revenue_accelerator remains False rather than the expected True

Though it is unclear why the attempted method above does not work, Zoom provided an alternative. Using the scim Update a user endpoint instead at Zoom SCIM2 API, the ZRA license could be applied with the body below:

  "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:zoom:1.0:User": {
    "zoomIQ": true

I would still like to investigate why the original method did not work as intended, but this provides an immediate solution to the problem.

This was user error on my part and can be closed.

I was using the Update user endpoint PATCH /users/{userId} instead of PATCH /users/{userId}/settings by accident. This took quite a while to catch as the alternate feature I used to verify that the API endpoint was otherwise working was the feature zoom_phone, which is the only feature that can be updated from either API endpoint. Furthermore, the Update user endpoint sent back a successful status code of 204 instead of an error, likely because the parser dropped the invalid zoom_revenue_accelerator feature and no other errors were raised.

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