Assign Zoom One License for New Phone user

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API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Update a User (Users API)

Assign calling plan to user (PhoneAPI)

After a user is assigned a license with the Update a User endpoint (type = 2) they are given a Zoom One license with zoom_one_type = 8 and feature zoom_phone = true using the following JSON:

“feature”: {
“zoom_phone”: true
“type”: 2

Getting the user details following this verifies this attributes are applied successfully, and this matches what other users in our organization have for these values.

This results in the user being visible in the Zoom Phone portal with a basic license assigned. However, attempting to assign the Zoom One calling plan that is listed for existing users (84010) provides a 400 error saying a Zoom One Plan cannot be assigned:
{ “code”: 400, “message”: “Can not assign Zoom One plan.” }.

Please provide direction on how to assign a Zoom One Phone license through the API for Zoom One users in our enterprise.

On attempting to assign a phone user the calling plan 84010, the message below is received:
{ “code”: 400, “message”: “Can not assign Zoom One plan.” }

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. using the PATCH “/users/{userId}” endpoint, include a json body of
    “feature”: {
    “zoom_phone”: true
    “type”: 2

  2. Using the GET “/users/{userId}” endpoint, verify that the following is true for the user:
    type = 2
    zoom_one_type = 8

also using the GET “/users/{userId}/settings” endpoint, verify that the feature zoom_phone is true

  1. Using the POST “/phone/users/{userId}/calling_plans” endpoint, assign the calling plan with the JSON below (note, this is based on the calling plan assigned to our existing users):
    “calling_plans”: [
    “type”: 84010

  2. Observe the following error message and that the user remains with Zoom Phone Basic assigned instead of the expected Zoom One Enterprise:
    { “code”: 400, “message”: “Can not assign Zoom One plan.” }

Per Zoom, this issue is occuring because we are a Zoom One Enterprise with the automatic assignment of phone users disabled. As such, our new users end up in the Zoom Phone Pending tab and are awaiting assignment. Instead of directly assigning the calling plan (not possible with Zoom One as the error message above indicates), we should instead be using the endpoint Zoom Phone Master API with the “assign_pending_user” batch_type.

This looks to be the correct method, but I am seeing the error that the access token does not contain the scope phone:master even though it does indeed contain that scope, as seen in the attached screenshot.

This has been resolved. The API endpoint that should be used to assign Zoom phone to pending users (such as in a Zoom One Enterprise that are not auto-assigned) PUT /phone/users/batch was updated to require different scopes - phone:write:admin or the granular scope phone:update:batch_users:admin. I have tested both and confirmed that they are now working as intended using either scope type.

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