Attendee unable to send a private message to host

Oh my. Didn’t know there’s such setting, and yes it works now!
Thank you so much for your help! @michael_p.zoom @tommy


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@zoomcrockers changing the setting worked for me.

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Hi @mini.cactus,

Glad that you got it working. Let us know if you need anything else.


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Hello! Sorry, I’m not a developer, but my issue matches this EXACTLY, but the reason why it was so difficult to reproduce is that it only applies to certain users. In my case, 3 students out of 60 can’t send me a private chat (it looks like it “sent” on their screen, but I never see it), meanwhile all other students can sent me private chats just fine.

As the host, I have the setting “allow participants to send 1:1 chat messages to another participant” is turned OFF so that students can’t private chat with each other, only the teacher (host).

When public chat is turned on, I see messages from all students. When Private Chat is turned on, I see messages from most students, but not the three in question.

I’m using MacOS zoom client Version: 4.6.10 (20041.0408)

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Hey @cbreiling,

Please share this with our support team: They will be able to assist further as this is unrelated to the Zoom Marketplace Platform. :slight_smile:


Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same problem.

Hey @martin.j.bergoffen,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I don’t see a record of an ongoing issue that was related to this so it may be account specific. If you aren’t using the Web SDK or APIs, then your best bet is to reach out to our Customer Support Team to see if they are able to address the issues you’re encountering.


The Zoom Web Client allows users to join a meeting without downloading any plug-ins or software. The Direct Messages of my students who join meetings that way do not come through. Having them download Zoom seems to fix the problem.

Hey @lalva ,

This should be fixed in a backend update on the 17th of this month. :slight_smile:
