Audio Issue in Zoom WebSDK

Hey @khanmdmudassir,

Thank you for providing additional information. That’s interesting to hear that it was working for some on v1.8.3 and not others. I still think this is related to the update but I can’t pinpoint exactly why that would be. If you see this issue in the future, on v1.8.5+ please reach out and I’ll investigate it further.

One last question, I would like to know why Zoom included the “AES 256-bit GCM encryption” as it was working fine before. Any article reference link will help. Thanks!

We added the encryption to the Web SDK to better align with our goals to make Zoom the most secure communications platform and to match the functionality of the desktop client. We added this encryption to our desktop client in April and this helps bring feature parity between the two.

Here is some information on our efforts to improve security and this change:

I hope that helps!
