Both account-level and user-level app?


I’m currently trying to build an integration for users of my product (a video hosting/streaming service).

I’m so far assuming it should be oauth. I’m torn between making it an account-level app or a user-level app. As such, I’m wondering if I’ve misunderstood the difference. The main function will be via the “new cloud recording” webhook - new zoom recordings will be imported into my product.

I would like individual zoom users at an organisation to be able to connect their individual zoom user to their account in my product, so they can get started without needing buy-in from their zoom account admin. But I’d also like for the zoom account admin to later be able to enable the integration for all/some of their zoom users.

Is this possible, or do I have to choose between the two?


Hey @james2,

You’d have to choose one or the other, but you could also publish both, an Admin version, and user version.


Hey Tommy,

Thanks for the quick reply.

If I go with a user-level integration, can an admin manually enable for individual single users in their account?


Hey @james2,

No, it would need to be installed by each user due to privacy.


That’s a shame. Is there anywhere that I can formally provide feedback that my use-case isn’t met? It seems like I wouldn’t be alone. I mean, admins already do other account setup for their users, such as creating meetings, viewing recordings, etc.

Hey @james2,

Admins can pre approve a user level app so users can install, but they cannot install the user level app for them.

Your best bet is to use an Account level app, which is installed once by the Zoom admin, and can be used by anyone in your Zoom account. That is the reason the Account Level app exists. What is your use case for also wanting a user level app?

You can provide feedback to me, but user level apps are designed to be authorized at the user level due to privacy.
