Browser (Chrome, Safari) in iPhone cannot join in Audio? Slow Video also?

Hi all,

Searching for information about this I see that there is lots on the forum, but I want to make sure I understand exactly what the issue is – obviously not having the web SDK available in iOS is a major blocker for anyone needing mobile support as much as desktop.

Is this information from last June still accurate? [CRITICAL] No Audio for mobile iOS browsers - #2 by Michael_Purnell

If so, the Audio worklet ticket on the WebKit bug tracker is here: 182506 – Implement AudioWorklet

As mentioned in that ticket’s comments, I was able to get Zoom “Computer Audio” working in Safari Tech Preview (Safari 14.1, TP release 119). However I couldn’t find any indication of whether the APIs would ever make their way from Tech Preview to stable.

Edit: doing a bit more research, I see the AudioWorklet implementation happened in TP 116 in November (see WebKit blog). I’m hopeful this might be shipped in Safari 14.1, which I think will likely be released in March extrapolating from the Safari release history (see Wikipedia).