Bypass name enter page when join meeting

Description -
How can I bypass the enter your name web page when start by browser meeting.

Hey @rohit,

Duplicate post, answered your question posted here:


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When I use{{meetindID}}/join?prefer=1&un=bmFtZQ== link to join by browser, It is working fine. But the issue is if a user copy this url and with the help of code change the un parameter then he is also able to join the meeting, this should not be done.

Second case -

If attendee use this above url and pass url to someone and both entered in meeting. But with the help of participant web hook I can identify now by user_name that this user is coming twice in meeting so I can deny the meeting access for them.

But here when I update meeting registrant status by api to deny they still able to join the meeting.

Here lot of issues are coming because of improper documentation.

Hey @rohit,

Since we currently don’t have a feature that limits joining a meeting with the same unique join_url there is no perfect way to accomplish this. Bad users will always be able to change the url or share the password and join_url. So unless you enforce users to be logged in with Zoom to join via the Zoom Native Client there, like I said there is no perfect solution.


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