Can Publishable URLs be reused by the same user once consumed with uninstall and reinstall?

This is a follow up to this

Once a user consumes a publishable URL can the integration be uninstalled and reinstalled by that same user? We tried it with one of our test users but it’s not working and throwing this error.

  • Is there any way we can get a count of how many users have consumed the Publishable URL shared?
  • Do we know why Publishable URLs feature is currently blocked and when it will be available again?
  • Are all current install with Publishable URL blocked?

Which App?
BetterCloud App

Additional context

We have created another similar case that are all related

Hi @fbegh3,

Once a user uninstalls an app, any subsequent request to reinstall the app using the Publishable URL are considered a new consumption of the URL. I’m afraid it’s not possible to add additional users at this time.

Our Publishable URL functionality is on hold across all accounts. Our team is working on revisiting how this approval process works and we hope to support it again in the future. For now, you will need to have your app reviewed and approved by our Marketplace team in order to test your app with individuals outside of our account.

If you need to test, you can still do so locally using the Local Test URL from your app. You might consider adding certain individuals to your development account temporarily, so that they can use the local test/publishable url for testing purposes.

That said, we realize the impact this has on your ability to easily test with individuals outside your account, and do sincerely apologize that we can’t currently issue sharable/publishable URLs for draft apps at this time. Our team is hoping to solve for this as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Hi Will,

I was having one doubt regarding the development and production client id and client secret. Can we use both (development client id and client secret for DEV environment and production client id and client secret for PROD environment) at the same time?

Hey @arvind.singh,

Yes, you should be able to install either your app’s development version or it’s production version, depending on the authorization URL you use. You can have both instances installed on your account — you can see which version is installed when you navigate to this page:


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