Installing App directs to Non-Prod Beta App instead of Published App

Our BetterCloud app is published in Zoom Marketplace recently. We have been using non-prod app for testing with our engineering team before this in our non-prod environment. When we tried to install Zoom app from our Non-prod BetterCloud platform we see this error. We would like to know why our app is still hitting Beta non prod app instead of the published Prod app


Which App?
BetterCloud in Zoom Marketplace

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Click Install BetterCloud app from Zoom marketplace
  2. Redirects to BetterCloud Platform > Zoom to start the install
  3. See error during installation

Screenshots (If applicable)
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
When we install Zoom from our Production BetterCloud platform integration goes through and works fine. However when we try it from our Non-prod BetterCloud platform we see this error. We have 2 Bettercloud Apps: Prod (Published) and Non-Prod (Non-Published)

Checked this doc but our app is already published

Is this something to do with Client ID of our BetterCloud Non Prod app still being different from the Client ID of our Published Prod BetterCloud app? Please let us know what you would need from us to troubleshoot this.

Thank you for your help in advance!


We have updated our Holding Vault to point to Production-Dev App with the right Client ID, restarted microservices but that didn’t fix the issue.

Hi @fbegh3,

All OAuth Apps will have a dev and prod authorization URL that points to their respective dev or prod Client IDs.

To clarify, is the issue here that you’re unable to access the dev version of your app after it was published? If so, can you confirm you’re using the dev authorization URL?

If it’s easier, I might recommend sharing an example with us at with your app’s Client ID, the authorization URL you’re using, and the user you’re testing it with. This will help us to best assist.


Thank you Will!

I have reviewed your response in the following case as well as this. Combining my response into this thread

Can you please tell the difference of using Local Test> Testable URL versus using Submit>Publishable URL and when to use which since our App is already published? Couldn’t find documentation on that other than One of our use cases for testing is to do repeated reinstall of our App.

We already have our BetterCloud app published to the marketplace. Our NonProd app uses the Production - Development Client ID/Secret and our Prod App uses Production- Production Client ID/Secret. These credentials are located at App Credentials tab of our published app in the Marketplace. Is this the recommended setup?

The issue here that you’re unable to access the dev version of your app after it was published?
Yes, the install issue is with using Publishable URLs of the Published Production app> Development clientID/Secrets

Our goal for QA testing is to not use the main Developer account due to security reasons but have our different QA teams use Publishable URLs instead. What would be your recommendation on that? As you mentioned on the other case, is it solved by adding certain individuals to our development account temporarily, so that they can use the local test/publishable url for testing purposes? We believed our development team consumed all the 10 seats for Publishable Urls granted originally when testing out reinstalls which caused this deadlock. As you mentioned reinstall consumes a new seat every time.

Appreciate all your help in advance. We can share an example after this to the developer support email you provided.

Hi @fbegh3,

Thanks for getting back to me and happy to help clarify.

First, regarding:

Can you please tell the difference of using Local Test> Testable URL versus using Submit>Publishable URL and when to use which since our App is already published? Couldn’t find documentation on that other than One of our use cases for testing is to do repeated reinstall of our App.

If your app is already published, you can test with the Publishable URL. The Local Test URL is intended for testing during development, and is only accessible under the account the app was created under.

If your QA team needs to test your app in Production, they can user the published app’s Publishable URL to do so. If they need to test your app in Development, they will need to use the Local Test URL. If they are not members of the account the app was created under, the solution is to temporarily add them to that account.

I hope this helps to clarify, but let me know if there are still questions.


Having said this, we do hope to support

Thank you Will! This helps. We have a follow up.

Our goal is for our developers to have dev user permissions in Zoom admin account to test the app in Zoom marketplace app with Dev ClientID/secrets

We were able to bypass the error above by adding a user with dev permissions in our main Zoom Admin account but ran into the following error

Looks like users not only need dev permissions but all the scope admin user required permissions. This creates a problem for us. Our BetterCloud Company corporate Zoom account and our app developer account was originally setup as one account. We can’t allow our product test developer users full permission for our Corporate Zoom account for BetterCloud Employees.

What would your recommendation be as best practices? Do we need to split and create a new development account and then can add test users with permission to install the dev app. Do we need to transfer our Published app to that new account using ‘App Transfer Owner’? There are a lot of variables here. Is it possible to have a quick call for our team to understand best practice of this setup and testing our development app? We have been in touch with Tim Slagle to assist us.

This holds announcing our Zoom-BetterCloud integration to our customers and any help to expediate and get best practice of testing and account/permission setup will be extremely beneficial.

Hey @fbegh3,

We will be happy to help with this—can you please email us directly at so that we can provide some more 1:1 guidance? Please include a link to this thread and make note of your timezone in case you’d like to schedule a quick call.


Thanks Will! I have emailed as requested.

Thanks, @fbegh3. We will be in touch shortly.

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