Cannot subscribe to multiple 720p Video Tracks

Video SDK Type and Version
ZoomVideoSDK iOS 1.10.11

Unable to subscribe to multiple tracks at 720p. Migrating our large project from Twilio, this is a major blocker. Every WebRTC product supports multiple feeds at 720 and we require that. This appears to be an undocumented limitation and should be explicitly called out in the Feature Map.

No errors shown

Troubleshooting Routes
Changed all instances of in the ZoomVideoSample MetalViewController to
[user.getVideoPipe subscribeWithDelegate:thumbRenderer resolution:ZoomVideoSDKVideoResolution_720];

This call reports success

How To Reproduce
1. Download ZoomVideoSample iOS, provide token, adjust codesigning
2. Change every instance of subscribeWithDelegate to have a 720 resolution
3. iOS 17.4.1, but I imagine this is simply an undocumented limitation of the SDK