Can't connect to an audio in the second engagement

Hi everyone!

We are using Zoom Contact Center on the WEB. During the first engagement (video call) everything works OK, a user can talk to an agent, the user’s audio is connected. But when the user leaves the meeting, then joins another meeting, he’s getting an error when trying to connect to the computer audio: “INVALID_OPERATION Computer audio has been loading, please wait.”–which stays there indefinitely.

Attached are console logs: console log.log - Google Drive

Can anyone help?

Hi @victor.softeq
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom DevForum!
Are you still experiencing this issue?

Hi Elisa,
Thank you!

Yes, we are still experiencing the issue. Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you Victor,
Can you please share with me the name of your app?

Hi @elisa.zoom,
I am not sure what exactly you mean by “name of your app”. Can you clarify exactly what is needed? We can record a video for you or arrange a live debugging session, whatever will help. Please let me know.

Hi @victor.softeq
What I mean by this is if you. have built an integration using our Contact Center SDK and if so, what is the name of the integration.

Hi @elisa.zoom,
It’s Halo.ZCC.

Thanks @victor.softeq
I will send you a private message to follow up

I had this exact same issue and it appeared to be related to the zoom contact center sdk not working in an Angular application. I solved my problem by making a plain html file that had the zoom sdk in it, and embedding that in an iframe on my site so that their sdk wouldn’t interact with angular at all. It would be nice if this was fixed though.

Thanks for your message, Rocco!
We’re still discussing the issue with Zoom support. I’ll post an update here when we find a solution.


I am getting the same issue. I am a novice into coding so can you please guide how you resolved this issue. A sample code will help.

Thank You

I made a blank html page that contained their script tag for loading the interaction. And then in my application, i created an iframe to that html page and basically just hide and show that iframe.

Hey @victor.softeq,
Just checking in – are you still facing this problem?
Because I encountered an issue with the Zoom SDK in Angular, so I crafted a plain HTML page containing the required script tag for loading the interaction. To manage this in my application, I used an iframe to display the HTML page site) and toggled its visibility as necessary. Although this workaround addressed the problem, a lasting solution for the compatibility issue with Angular would be much appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi David,
Thank you for asking.
I don’t have any more information than what’s already in the ticket, unfortunately.