Zoom Contact Center Smart Embed, Administration integration

Hi there,

I have been trying to use the contact center smart embed, but I can’t seem to get it working.
The instructions here say:

Administrators must be able to access Zoom to configure an integration in Zoom Contact Center for Zoom Contact Center Smart Embed

There isn’t any further information I can find that outlines this integration process.

My first thought is that it was like the phone app, but there doesn’t seem to be a CCSE app in the marketplace that as an administration I can install.

I tried verifying a domain and setting that up as the domain for the application, but that didn’t work either.

I see the iframe, I try to log in and I get : " You may not have the correct integration configured. Please contact your administrator."

Can someone please tell me what I am missing here? I would appreciate it!


Hi Doug,

Can you please open a Zoom Support case and request that the “Enable Smart Embed Integration” feature is enabled on your account? This feature must be enabled on your account.


Hey Justin,

This worked perfectly I have the Embed working in my site.

However, it seems that the pop up to answer the call is not working. I can call out no problem and I see it as an engagement in the history etc. Using the zoom client stand alone contact center works as advertised, I get the pop up and I can answer, I just never get a pop up in the browser with the embed, even though I am seeing events that indicate I have a call inbound and I also see SIP traces.

{“type”:“zcc-call-ringing”,“data”:{“channel”:“voice”,“createTs”:170328147xxxx,“engagementId”:“I7bT13PUSyeAw0FPoLtOsg”,“from”:“+18134158812”,“isConference”:false,“isTransfer”:false,“queueName”:“Chad Test”,“to”:“+1727609xxxx”}}

I see some toast notifications in the iframe but it never gives me the option to answer.

Please let me know if you have any ideas,


Glad you have the ZCC Smart Embed on your website and able to login.

From the debug you shared, i can see the call coming into your web app. The incoming phone request event is the Smart Embed telling your app about the call. You need to take that data, search your app to see if your app can resolve against a contact in your app, then send a message from your app to smart embed using the postmessage event zcc-incomingPhone-response.

Once you do that, you will see the call in the smart embed UI.

If you are just testing, you can include an empty object in this event.


This works exactly as you have described. I am able to generate a pop-up and answer the call.
Thanks again!